Apple Watch Series 5: The Watch Exits Beta

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Having worn Apple Watch Series 5 every day for the last month, I’m ready to give it a thorough evaluation. Every tech review is dependent on the perspective and priorities of the reviewer, so I’ll start by giving you mine.

I’ve been an Apple Watch wearer since the original released in 2015. I wear my watch every day from the moment I get out of the shower around 7:30am, till I hit the hay around 11PM. While I do make use of the fitness tracking features, I’m about as far from a “fitness guy” as can be imagined, and so my interests in wearable tech lie more in its ability to provide critical information at a glance.

Here’s my personal priorities for the Apple Watch, ranked from most to least relevant to me.

  • Functioning as a quality time piece
  • Providing useful interactive data such as to-do lists, weather reports, and notifications for messages, calendar events and phone calls
  • Consistent access to Siri for quick queries, setting timers etc.
  • Health and safety monitoring (I.E. EKG measurements, fall detection and 911/SOS functionality)
  • Battery Life
  • Fitness tracking
  • Wrist access to Apple Pay

I provide some of my rational for buying any smartwatch here, but if you’re looking to know why you’d buy a smart watch in the first place, check out my overview of Apple Watch.

On to the review!

As a Sci-Fi writer, I’m always more interested in the alternative viewpoint: how close is this product to its ideal iteration, regardless of what technology allows for right now?

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